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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Critical Reflection of my project!

 Below I will provide a link to my Critical Reflection about my Magazine, it took me a while to find a creative way to do so. Prezi allow many functions to make a efficient critical refection or any presentation needed.  Link:

Final magazine result

 I'm proud to say I finished my magazine but encountered many challenges that helped me grow as a designer. It took many constructive tips for me in order to finish, not only did I grow as a designer but i felt like I matured as a person. During this project I developed a better understanding of my self and the ability to connect with others around me, I thank everyone for always helping me and I feel like I achieved my next goal. Olympia magazine's role was to inform people about a beautiful place I used to call home.

Photography applied in my magazine

 Different images and pictures server to grab the readers attention but also o transmit every sense of what you are trying to portray. During the making of this project I understood that pictures is a from of communication between people in other words a connection. I used different angle shots and places in order to achieve this goal here are some examples below. My goal was to transmit beauty throughout my magazine and I'm confident people will be able to connect with ever sense of my shots.

Choosing the colors for my magazine!

 During the making of my project finding colors that matched or didn't cause any unbalances was really challenging so I stumbled upon many doubts on what to use. I starting thinking more about what colors really meant to magazines and what would happen if i chose the wrong colors. After feedback from my peers I started using color pallets for inspiration and considered what I wanted to transmit when people perceived my magazine. Colors palettes is a combination of colors most digital designers use in order to have color balance and other factors that have major effects on a magazine. Not only does colors transmit sense of balance but also makes a pleasant experience.

Feedback of my magazine sketch

 Feedback session 1 After participating in the feedback session of our initial sketches from the tasks I was able to observe many mistakes and errors I made or could have been better. I made wrong use of my white spacing, text boxes and included way to many pages of content; after making these observations I prepared to plan a new layout for each page and minimized the amount of content to the correct amount maintaining my magazine sketch balanced. After all these changes I was able to feel consistency and originality coming from my magazine, I took each feedback tip with maturity to use it as experience; finally I will continue to make changes to my cover which could be better. Here is my initial idea of my fixed sketch which still has a lot of work left, I will continue to ask for feedback to make my sketch better and use these for future projects.

Magazine topic selection idea and why I decided to use it.

NICARAGUA MAGAZINE PROJECT I decided to select the country where i grew up as the idea of my project because of its beautiful touristic areas, my knowledge of the country and finally my connection to it. When introduced the magazine project I never had a idea immediately, it took me a week to connect my mid together and think of a topic with a good amount of content, but also maintain fun for the reader but also my objective was to transmit the beauty I see; so I started plans to travel over to my Grandma in Nicaragua and that's where all the inspiration started to sprout. In conclusion I mostly chose this specific topic because Nicaragua played a vital roll in my development as a person and I felt like maybe it could help others. In order to develop some of my design ideas I used reference from google; more specifically I began a investigation on touristic magazines while paying close attention to each design layout. At first id di not like the idea of searching references because...