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Mise en scène Reading

Mise en scène is considered everything related to a certain film this includes its lighting, costumes, voices, actors and décor. During this quarter of school i spent time doing further research on why Directors use Mise en scène and how they use it, I came to understand that Film Directors make use of this in order to convoy their message to the public and deliver a feeling of curiosity to the public, this can relate to Stuarts Hall Theory because there is something the Directors want us to encode. In other words the publics perspective of the movie may depend on the setting directors have chosen.

Example of Mise en scene

As shown in the image above this is a clear example of Mise scene use, the props, lighting, costumes and the chosen place may give us a each a different view on what's happening. By observing the chosen vestment I can tell this was trying to resemble a scene from the past and the props also help me note that they must be in a opera theater. This shows that each scene of a movie can be observed for small details in order to get a better comprehension of what is trying to be convoyed.

After learning more in depth about Mise en scène It was soon time to take it into practice. During my Midterm exam I was given a Film to analyze, I then proceeded to take notes on what was going on including camera shots and the actors dialogue, after continuously watching the film i was able to breakdown what was going on the scene and the meaning of each character. This shows that as being part of the public we should be somewhat observant, directors work hard choosing components for a scene and us to appreciate.


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Endangered Animals project

The Bald Eagle 3D Model. For this project I chose The United States of Americas Nationals Symbol. Also known as the Haliaeetu s  leucocephalus. It was almost extinct and declared endangered it needed the endangered species act in order to be preserved, today the Bald eagle is safe from extinction. According to the website there are over 9,800 male and female nesting, Its main causes of extinction were Habitat destruction, degradation and illegal shooting in fact the Bald eagle gained protection until 1940 by the congress and it was named “Bald and Golden eagle protection act” it consists of prohibiting hunting of any type towards the Bald Eagle, habitat protection to keep the Bald Eagle safe. Luckily now its species is expanding and is now safe form any danger due to the effort of the Americans. This image was used for the inspiration of the model. The purpose of this project was to chose a animal in danger. In order to make a 3D model of the Bald Eagle I used the follow...

Choosing the colors for my magazine!

 During the making of my project finding colors that matched or didn't cause any unbalances was really challenging so I stumbled upon many doubts on what to use. I starting thinking more about what colors really meant to magazines and what would happen if i chose the wrong colors. After feedback from my peers I started using color pallets for inspiration and considered what I wanted to transmit when people perceived my magazine. Colors palettes is a combination of colors most digital designers use in order to have color balance and other factors that have major effects on a magazine. Not only does colors transmit sense of balance but also makes a pleasant experience.

Photography applied in my magazine

 Different images and pictures server to grab the readers attention but also o transmit every sense of what you are trying to portray. During the making of this project I understood that pictures is a from of communication between people in other words a connection. I used different angle shots and places in order to achieve this goal here are some examples below. My goal was to transmit beauty throughout my magazine and I'm confident people will be able to connect with ever sense of my shots.