The Bald Eagle 3D Model.
For this project I chose The United States of Americas Nationals Symbol. Also known as the Haliaeetus leucocephalus. It was almost extinct and declared endangered it needed the endangered species act in order to be preserved, today the Bald eagle is safe from extinction. According to the website there are over 9,800 male and female nesting, Its main causes of extinction were Habitat destruction, degradation and illegal shooting in fact the Bald eagle gained protection until 1940 by the congress and it was named “Bald and Golden eagle protection act” it consists of prohibiting hunting of any type towards the Bald Eagle, habitat protection to keep the Bald Eagle safe. Luckily now its species is expanding and is now safe form any danger due to the effort of the Americans.
The purpose of this project was to chose a animal in danger. In order to make a 3D model of the Bald Eagle I used the following materials “Hot glue gun, Foam shapes, Acrylic craft paint, Plastic jar, carton and some feathers.” The plastic used for the jars contributes to ecological and ecosystem destruction through toxic pollutants, also it can take even thousands of years for plastic to dissolve this can cause even humans and animals to actually consume plastic in our foods without even knowing, We should find a alternative instead of using plastic products even recycling can make a big difference when it comes the environment. The foam used for this project contains polystyrene every plastic and foam product contain this material because its used for daily products such as plates and plastic cups. According to we don’t observe the effects because once solidified the unreacted chemicals are trapped and once thrown away it can make way into water life and compromises fungi survival. Glue can also be a harming factor to the environment. According to glue is capable of contaminating soil and groundwater, even though this adhesive has low toxicity rates in water It can still have a negative effect on the surface of big bodies of water.

After completing this project it made me think about its true purpose and why we need to take care of our planet, including its animals. Over the years due to hunting, pollution and all the harm to habitats the environment has fallen apart, as humans we even depend on the ecosystem and its animals for food sources and yet we do nothing to save it. According to there are currently over 40,000 species in danger. Furthermore wildlife balances the ecosystem and the way we live its critical to start conserving it for a major positive impact for the future.
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