Girls Chase boys.
video clip girls chase boys by Ingrid Michaelson shows Men as back up dancers
instead of women which is commonly used for music videos in order to break a
form of gender stereotype. It achieves this meaning through the use of wardrobe
makeup and choreography. I chose this form this music video clip because Ingrid
Michaelson made it as a tribute or also considered alike to Robert Palmer's
film because he used women instead of men, Ingrid Michaelson had a clear
message of we all are the same and we deserved to be accepted as equals. In the
music video we can see the back up dancer dressed and using makeup as
filmmakers or the music industry would put on women. Take note the choreography
plays a key part in gender representation because there is a form of stereotype
that men cannot do ballet or any sort of dance relating to women, this video is
key to uncovering stereotypes. This demonstrates that “Girls chasing boys” has
a deeper meaning to how gender is represented in the video.
Link to the music video.
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